A Good Question

On SG, the question was asked as to essentially, “How did we get here?”

Mostly referring to usury, and how it came to be that people “chose it” over building Cathedrals. Now, to be fair, usury is, indeed, the root of a huge amount of evil in the world. In fact I can’t think of a single more important issue in how the planet has become as corrupted as it has.

And it wasn’t “chosen” so much as it was instilled by the usual methods of subterfuge, corruption, lies, underhandedness, deception, murder and force. To really grasp the levels of this you would need to study in great detail the history of the Rothschilds from their beginnings all the way to the way the Bank of International Settlement works today and what it is. As well as appreciate the multiple and absolutely world-encompassing effects of tentacles it created and controls from behind the curtain of things like The World Economic Forum, The Trilateral Commission (Rockefellers), Committee on Foreign Relations, the UN, the WHO and so on, as well as swamp creatures like the CIA and various of its projects, like the spread of “post-modernism” in all its inhuman and beauty destroying tactics.

But it all starts with usury. And it was no more “chosen” than you “choose” to eat white flour with all the toxins, poisons and vitamins in it that mean a wild rat will not actually eat it, but you, stupefied into ignorance and “education” think it’s healthy for you.

Anyone that says that usury was freely “chosen” by the average, honest person, is basically a deceiver. Much like those who pushed usury in all its forms by all means and relentlessly so.

There is a greater point on this worth making, but as a short and concise answer, I have placed below the reply I posted on SG.

The 1700s saw the real start of the organising of the forces of evil determined to destroy the Church (the Catholic Church being the only one that matters). It took them about 250 years to create:

  1. the first Freemasonic country in the world (the USA), while bankrupting France and destroying its Royal house
  2. Starting the “enlightenment” with all its “freethinkers” and mass murder of Catholics
  3. Destruction of royal houses in Europe (nobility was essentially the military/protective arm of the Church)
  4. Start WWI
  5. Force the “unification” of Italy (the home of Rome and thus the centre of Christianity)
  6. Infiltrate the Church massively with homosexuals, communists, etc.
  7. Start WWII
  8. Install a Freemason as “Pope” in 1958 and every year since then.
  9. Infect the entire planet with (((Hollywood values))) just as they had done to Weimar Germany.
    There is also some evidence the entire “reformation” (rebellion) of 1521 was orchestrated by the same (((people))). It took centuries.

The wider point is that usury (along with its other related tactics of general degradation of human dignity) works for a very simple reason.

One people don’t like to admit, but remains absolutely true:

Humans are all flawed. Because of original sin.

And all you ahistorical and illogical Protestants can gnash your teeth as much as you like, but the evidence is absolutely overwhelming and incontrovertible.

As such, an appeal to humanity’s basest instincts of greed, avarice, envy, sloth, pride, wrath and gluttony, will ALWAYS, snare a percentage of the population, no matter how religious, pious, well-meaning and orderly the original community may have been. And this is precisely why you absolutely need rules, as well as their enforcing.

And the people doing the enforcing need to be, generally, men of outstanding virtue in terms of courage, and moral character. Their leaders, at an absolute minimum, need to be married men with children, who have had first-hand experience of physical labour, (for at least 5 years) and be self-made to the point of owning some land and property that is no more than say 30% from generational wealth. I would also want them to have been involved in some physical level of confrontation for at least another 5 years, whether in a proper, hardcore martial arts class, serving in law enforcement, including things like being a bouncer (if absolutely clean of any involvement with the inevitable criminal side of that life) close protection work (as the grunt, not owner of a firm), soldier (in combat), and be honestly religious. For my culture and people at least, that means a proper Catholic (only sedevacantists of the 1958 type and non-una Mass, currently are).

The rules are required to identify those elements that would corrupt humanity, and usury, should be absolutely and completely banned eternally from any civilised society. Anyone advocating for it, or trying to perform it should, in my honest opinion, be put to death.

If a society formed to make that law number one, and enforced it absolutely, human society would flourish in a way that almost no one can even imagine. And very fast too.

For this reason, the enforcing arm of society needs to be an unusual and rare mix of wise, experienced, charitable, but also absolute when required, and using Roman Law, which is unique on Earth and works on the principle being only a guide, but each individual situation needing to be evaluated on its own merits in accordance with justice above law, and not law above justice.

There is literally no other system on Earth that ever came even remotely close to having this and creating societies cantered around such principles that Catholicism.

You can TRY and argue otherwise, but you would be just the male equivalent of the dumb onlyfans women on something like the whatever podcast, making appeals not to logic, facts, reason, and objective reality, but only your personal, solipsistic, nonsensical, selfish, hypocritical, hormonally driven rhetoric that you have been brainwashed with. Any actual measure of it done objectively places Catholicism at the top of the mountain for centuries and centuries and centuries in a row. And when compared to the present day, which as stated above took at least 250 years to degrade, and mostly since 1958, the current “liberal world order” is proving to be a dystopic descent into literal Hell on Earth.

But hey, don’t you worry. You go ahead and chomp down on that chemical burger while you binge on reality TV and CNN and let your arse keep expanding molasses-like on that couch. And don’t forget to masturbate some more to porn, so that in case you get the urge to actually get off that couch and change something in your life, you are sure to not bother after the fact.

So that’s how we got here.

And if there is any hope of getting out of it, it will be only because of men with giant, octagonal balls, made of adamantium, who will be blamed for being “oppressive and brutal”, who will not compromise their honour, faith, or objective reality as it is, in order to appease the masses.

And to a leaser extent, but still absolutely necessary, of those men who will follow them and stand with them even in the bowels of Hell, until order, peace, sanity, and God’s divine laws, are restored once more, as best we can, on this fallen Earth.

2 Responses to “A Good Question”

  1. omuwase wokumbo says:

    The USA invented a new financial system free of usury snd debt based money. it was quite an innovation. in fact, the USA has made many important contributions to global society. Sure there are some freemasons, but no more than any european nation. its uncharitable to mischaracterize us a “Freemason Nation” by us I mean of course european & asian Heritage Americans, and NOT negro ex-slaves and other 3rd world trash imports. those are the ones, as you say, watching trash TV and fattening themselves on goyslop.

    • G says:

      This is one of your more retarded comments, though not the first one. The USA monetary system is fully based on usury and debt. And not even linked to currency that has any intrinsic value at all, like say Gold.
      The only contributions the USA has made generally speaking are the spread of secularism, greed, lust, and envy in all its forms. And of course, perennial war all around the world, forced economic hardship and rapine. You are a freemason nation because you were intended to be. You were founded by the efforts of Freemasons, with leaders that are freemasons and rules and “laws” that are fully freemasons, which is why the US “legal system” is an absolute joke.

      And no, buddy, in general, the East Asian in the USA are not the balls of lard so-called Yankees are. And slavery was done away with long ago, no one is an ex-slave in the USA today. Get at least basic history right.

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