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What War is Really About

Pretty much all wars have been about money and power.

Vox Day, in his The Irrational Atheist proved that of all the known wars in the three volume Encyclopaedia of Wars slightly less than 7% are actually caused by religious differences and of those that fit that cause, more than half of them are caused by Muslims. So, all the other religions on the planet, account for less than 3.5% of all wars, in a sample that is about as comprehensive as anyone alive or dead, in the entirety of human history has ever bothered to catalogue.

So that takes care of that. And in reality, I personally think even some of those assumed to be “religious wars” had a great motivation based on money and power. By power I mean the control of money, wealth, goods and people for personal profit of those commanding the wars. And by commanding I mean the people making it happen, not the generals and commanders directing the activity of war on a day to day basis.

So for example in Ukraine, the people who made the war happen are the supposedly American elite controlling the billions of laundered money that has been run through the Ukraine. The Victoria Newlands, Bidens, Pelosi and so on that all had sons working on the board of the gas giants in Ukraine. Just another Cohen-cidence surely.

If you then take the time to look at who pushed the related financial interests, I bet that a lot more than 7% of all wars were in all likelihood started by people of a certain tribe and certain ethnicity.

In Israel, it is now a know and verified fact that Net-a-Yahoo, leader supreme and puppet master of all American politics that actually matters, not only allowed, but probably helped orchestrate the October 7th attacks by Hamas, with the objective of getting rid of all Palestinians from Gaze and the West Bank and have them become refugees in the USA and Europe.

Once again, the motive is money and power. And once again, the people pulling the strings that result in the death and mutilation and displacement of millions of human beings are almost invariably associated with a certain tribe and ethnicity of people.

I don’t own the three volume set of the Encyclopaedia’s, but I find it interesting that as far back as 55 BC, Roman emperors and senators were complaining of a certain tribe and ethnicity as troublesome, causing war and being a parasitic drain on any host nation that allowed them to enter in their midst.

Now, you might choose to believe that such a tribe has been kicked out of 110 countries over 1000 times in total because of pure coincidence, or just a really persistent “racism” towards one particular people that seems to be shared by different races, people and ethnicities around the planet. That’s quite the odd coincidence to say the least. Personally, I think that any reasonable person of normal intelligence would conclude that perhaps these people are best served by staying in their own country and not living anywhere else. And that everyone that sees their behaviour for what it is, may similarly wish to ensure they are not permitted to enter their nation, much less enter in positions of power or government. After all, a nation should be run for the benefit of its natural nationals, which means the people born and raised in that nation for many generations with their own culture and religion and ethnicity. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Germany being for ethnic and cultural Germans, Aragornian Spaniards for Aragorn, Catholic Irish for Catholic Ireland, Basques for Basque Spain, Venetians for La Serenissima, Romans for Lazio, Greeks for Greece Nigerians for Nigeria, and Jews for Israel.

No foreigner should ever have a position of any sort in any government office, or influential position, such as the mass media, television, film, any of the armed forces, the judiciary or any legal profession, nor anything even remotely related to the culture, art and history of a nation.

I am married to an Englishwoman and I absolutely would be fine with her never holding any such position in my country, nor I in hers.

Furthermore, the recent law just passed by Russia that a naturalised “citizen” can have his citizenship revoked and be sent back to his country of origin if they break the law and are convicted of any criminal activity, should also be a global one adopted by all nations. And in fact, I personally wonder if any such citizenship should ever even be granted to begin with.

You can live a perfectly normal life as a permanent resident and if you have children with a co-national of your ethnicity, they can get permanent residence too, and always be subject to deportation if they break the law.

Anyone that thinks this sounds “draconian” is simply either too stupid or too naive to know how human beings actually operate. Anyone who think it is “racist” really needs to define that term, because I fully support nations composed of people that are not Caucasian to have exactly these rules too. And there are a lot more people that are not “white” on the planet than those who are, so, exactly, what is the problem?

If your go to is “oh, historical pillaging” My answer is two-fold:

  1. Mostly bullshit, because wherever caucasians went they raised the local technological level. Is it perfect? No. But nothing is, and every caucasoid nation has been enslaved by someone at some point, which leads me to the second part:
  2. Tough. Get over it and stop whining.

Besides, Niger has recently shown the process is easily reversible. They got rid of all the French and their natural resources will now be paid for at whatever price the Nigerians decide is fair.

If these simple rules were taken on by everyone, guess what would happen? The world would suddenly have a boom of technology, peace, and dignified human relations between countries and people of completely different backgrounds, religions and ethnicities. Would there be some upsets? Undoubtedly. A place like South Africa, if the caucasians were limited to a smaller area, would soon boost their technology way past the rest of the country even if it was run by the best educated Africans in the region. This is in any case already happening and it would degrade very fast. Would that result in some wars? Sure, for a little while, some borders would be contended with by the less able (especially if more numerous) but would soon be stopped by the more able. Give it 5 years or so and everything would be normalised.

Except for most likely one country on Earth. Where the people with it would be seething with rage at having to co-exist only with their own and not be allowed to infiltrate and corrode other nations with heir specific brand of “foreign policy”.

Can you guess which nation that might be?

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