For those of you that don’t speak Italian, here is a summarised version that I perfectly share and agree with, as I hope was already evident from my previous post on it a short while ago.
Don Ricossa states that [items in bold and square brackets are my notes]:
- Vigano in his response to the request he presents himself in Rome to answer for his supposed crime of schism, and therefore, ultimately heresy, stated he refuses to present himself in Rome since he does not recognise the legitimacy of the current occupier of the See of Rome and wants nothing to do with it, nor to remain in communion with it since he describes the current Bergoglian hierarchy as the final metastasis of the cancer that is Vatican II.
- Don Ricossa started out by saying that although he does not usually like to discuss current events, since there is such a need of understanding the gospels at present, the present situation that everyone is talking about concerning Vigano is an excellent opportunity to possibly begin to heal the Church, if it is considered and acted upon fruitfully. He goes on to explain how and why as follows:
- In the first place, while it is true that the current situation is terrible, it is important to note that this is merely an effect of the cause and not the cause itself. In short, while it is true that the cancer is bad, the problem started at the origin of the cancer and that is Vatican II. And this being the case, the focus should absolutely be on explaining and detailing the exact issues with Vatican II. This has already been done in various ways by various people [including by me —-in what I believe in the most exhaustive way I am aware of—- in Reclaiming The Catholic Church, where I list at least some of the heresies present in all 15 of the 16 documents that compose Vatican II that have direct heresy in them] and Father Ricossa mentions that one can bring to the attention of everyone (including Vigano) these arguments, and their already detailed and well presented points. Or one can expand on them or even start them anew and as thoroughly as one likes [As far as I am aware a complete listing of all the heresies of the Vatican II documents has not been done for there are so many, but I believe my version is the one that so far comes closest.]
- Further, once you do this, it become obvious that the problem is not just the current impostor on the throne of Peter, but also all those from the very start of Vatican II who have continued to promulgate, promote and agree with Vatican II. [In short, here, Don Ricossa states simply the same thing I have been telling everyone from 2017 on, which is that every single fake Pope from Angelo Roncalli on, and all the Novus Orco clergy are invalid and as such heretics and non-Catholics. Nor is anything they teach related to Catholicism, but rather, its inversion.] Don Ricossa therefore clearly implied that this situation, that is, that Vigano has not yet explicitly stated this, needs to be corrected.
- He goes on that, in order to be coherent, Vigano can only refuse the order to come to Rome, as well as refuse to recognise Bergoglio’s authority if he truly believes Bergoglio is not a legitimate Pope AND he can demonstrate too that this is the case (because Catholics follow the rules, not their feelings about what they think of particular cotta). And once again, this leads back to Vatican II and how it is indeed possible (and the case) that only fake “Popes” has been present in the Vatican since 28th October 1958. Otherwise, failing to obey a legitimate Pope is indeed schism and this can only eventually become heresy.
- Don Ricossa goes on to say that therefore, it is absolutely necessary to explain, formally, and clarify:
- Why the current occupier of the Vatican is not a valid Pope.
- And also to clarify Vigano’s position on the matter, [that is of not formally and clearly declaring all the previous fake “Popes” and all previous and current fake “clergy” as the fakes they are] this removing for is the current doubt we have about what is Vigano’s real thoughts on the matter.]
- He goes on to say that he has never had any communication with Vigano, so it is not a matter of the person of Vigano as such, but rather that while Vigano has expressed an opinion that Don Ricossa agrees with (i.e. that the Novus Ordo Church is a fake mess) Vigano needs to follow through, for the sake of clarity and the truth of it for all concerned, from Bergoglio and his retinue to you and I mere laymen.
- He goes on to say that his suggestion (though he points out no one asked him) to Mr. Vigano, is to hold fast to his position, focusing on the validity (or rather, lack of validity) of Bergoglio’s election as a “Pope”. He also explains that nowadays a lot of people (unlike before when we were the only ones stating the seat of Peter was vacant) are claiming it is vacant with reference to Ratzinger having been the real Pope. And Don Ricossa here states he will not enter into the various theories and details that such “sedevacantists” hold, because it is not our problem/issue to do so, since the reality is that none of rhe Popes from Roncalli on have been legitimate. He specifies that NO ONE who has accepted the so-called cancer of Vatican II can ever be the legitimate authority of the Church, (since Vatican II is heresy and the Church, being infallible, obviously cannot promulgate heresy) and so while Bergoglio is not legitimate, neither was Ratzinger.
- It would be therefore a massive error to allow yourself to be fooled into this error that “Ratzinger was the real Pope” which so many are now trying or thinking of following [Hi Ann, Andrea Tossato, and others].
- Instead, Vigano should hold to his position that regardless of whether you consider the election of any specific “Pope” to have been valid or not, it becomes clear that the incumbent has NOT accepted the election validly because it is clear from his actions, that are habitual, repetitive and obvious, that he has not
- In summary, Vigano must clarify his position, because while it appears that Vigano is rejecting the current usurper of the Roman See, at other times one is left perplexed he says, because in the same document where he rejects Bergoglio, he also says he aligns himself with Msgr. LeFebrve, original position, but Msgr. LeFebrve at the time communicated with all the clergy while telling them they should rebel against the (according to Lefebrve) legitimate Pope [which is why the SSPX position is nonsense, as I and many before me, including Father Chekada before his passing made abundantly clear]. But Vigano says he rejects the authority of Bergoglio, so he cannot claim he aligns with LeFebrve’s position. If he rejects Bergoglio, and thus all of Vatican II he should say and detail how and why, and the same if he does not. And while the man also refers to a book by Lefebrve that defends the validity of the Pope he disobeys, one can only ask: what is then, the real opinion of Mr. Vigano? [Personally I have already expressed that Vigano is not anyone to follow or put any trust in, as per Canon Law. No heretic shall have ecclesiastical authority over anyone even if his repentance were 100% genuine, and Vigano is far from fulfilling the idea his repentance is in fact genuine as far as I am concerned].
- He reiterates once more that Vigano should be clear as to if he does reject Bergoglio as legitimate or not, and he should say so in direct, simple terms, as well as why he does if he does. So as to be perfectly and unambiguously clear.
- As a third and final point, once clarity has been made, and if Vigano in fact refutes Vatican II and all its authors and not just the current impostor in the Vatican, but all those before him [back to Pious XII who was the last legitimate Pope] since, as already explained the Church cannot schism from itself and therefore anyone who does so from it cannot be part of the Church, then what to do? And here he uses the example of Montini who while pretending to talk about the “ongoing destruction of the Church” he was the very one destroying it by the most assiduous enactment of the 14 Vatican II documents replete with heresies he himself produced, along with the 2 produced by his predecessor Roncalli, leat Vigano be another one of these impostors speaking from both sides of their mouth, or, as the errors of those at the time of Montini who kept silent, waiting for Montini to die and hoping a successor would come along to put right all the things Montini had destroyed. And instead he says this was an illusion, aince the successors of Montini only continued with the destruction of the Church. [I must interject a note here that while I respect Do Ricossa and the other members of the IMBC, I cannot, in good conscience be as charitable to those timid and cowardly bishops, cardinals and priests who kept silent at the time of Montini. Logically they had no excuse for their silence, as neither did Vigano for over 50 years. It is only cowardice and self-serving reasons that kept their mouth shut, or, at best, a criminal level of ignorance inexcusable from any member of the clergy, that in secular terms is equivalent to the charge of criminal negligence. Nor, am I wrong, nor can I be criticised on this matter given that St. Luis stated it very clearly that a heretic making a heretical comment in Church should not be argued with, but rather run through with a sword. If a Saint of the Church made that point, mine surely must be valid too. Furthermore, while in no way being disrespectful to the valid clergy of the Church which remain and of which Don Ricossa is undoubtedly a member, it is the absolute duty of any Catholic to call out heresy wherever it is present, and the level and extent of dereliction of duty in this regard, of the clergy at the time is one I will never permit to happen again, as best I can, as ling as I live.]
- Vigano, therefore, inasmuch as he is supposedly a “bishop” (and Don Ricossa specifically states he is not now going to get into the details concerning the validity of Vigano’s legitimacy as such, because the point is that Vigano has a huge “weight” within the “Church” and as such he has the opportunity (unlike the e average layman or even priest) to gather around him as many people as he can with his same perspective, and thus, in essence, create a much more widespread acknowledgements of the situation, while being very clear about the errors of Vatican II and therefore NOT recognising the authority of ANY of those who promulgated them, and if he did so this, there could be many improvements and who knows, perhaps also a beginning of the solution to the current situation.
- He closes stating of course all this needs the help and grace of God and his own suggestions are provided in utmost humility.
Personally I find Don Ricossa to be too charitable and too humble, and while I absolutely understand why and respect his way and his position and his methodology, in good conscience, I can only maintain my position, which is that while all this CAN —and indeed I too very much hope does— improve things, and results in many more proper Catholics returning to the fold in good standing (that is, that of 1958 Sedevacantists) I will always hold the canonical position that once a heretic, even if the repentance is true, a heretic clergyman should spend the rest of his days in perpetual penance with authority over precisely no one.
Nor do I in any way begrudge Don Ricossa or any other valid clergy from holding positions like his. But even a porter was not a priest and yet he controlled the entry to the Church.
And at various times in history it was nobility, duty bound, that helped restore the legitimate Papacy to its throne, and not infrequently by direct and even violent action.
Well, as a Catholic, and even if only a minor noble (the lowest of the ranks: Patrician) it remains my family name’s duty to take as unpleasant and as direct and even offensive a stance as I deem necessary to protect the sanctity of the Church. So, even if Vigano were to truly repent, and even restore the Church, I will never formally recognise him as having any legitimate authority in the Catholic Church. And the same goes for every Novus Orcian “clergy”.
There are only two types of men
Those who have a line; and hold it.
And those who do not.
Now, a man’s line may vary somewhat over time, as life and experience gradually (or occasionally suddenly) make him aware of things he did not know, errors of judgement, or lies he has unwittingly believed.
But in essence, a man that has a line will hold the line regardless of where and when he is.
It’s the difference between someone willing to die for an ideal and those who are not.
While neither type of man is guaranteed to be ethical, there is a difference between them in that even if amoral, those who have a line are reliable at least as it concerns that line, while the others are not.
Historically such men, with a line, will tend to become the leaders of disaffected groups in any unjust society, and organise other men of this same type into an irregular “army” to take care of the many injustices and the corrupt, supposedly “elected”, leaders, and their nefarious minimums.
In many cases, such men started what later became known as criminal organisations, be it the mafia, triads, or yakuza, but in origin, starting from the “bandits” of Southern Italy, these were local men with the capacity, acumen and courage to do violence upon their and their people’s enemies, in direct response to injustices perpetrated on them.
Over time, such men, absent a moral imperative that they must believe in themselves at a profound level, will eventually, and inevitably, become corrupted, and if not them, their sons and grandsons will. Because once you cross the line of being willing to go against the “law” (however unjust it may be) in order to serve the greater good of “justice” from a human perspective, you will quickly realise that the “law” of the/any government, is no more and no less than the imposition of whatever rules by the use or threat of physical force. And who of us can’t do better than government work? So if you were to succeed at imposing your will on (initially) the government, how long would it be before you decide that you can impose it on whoever/everyone?
Did you know that Pablo Escobar had tried to become part of the government of Colombia? And while his “business” was brutal, and it is not politically viable to say so, are you certain that had he succeeded his rule would have been worse for the locals than the current government of Colombia? Because I for one don’t have enough relevant and verified information to be sure either way.
I do know, however, that someone like Pinochet was (and continued to be) vilified for having taken over Chile by force, and having stopped communism there by making some 3,000 people disappear, and having some other 30,000 or so escape that country. Bad guy right?
Except that in every single example we have from history of communist regimes coming to power, not only are millions of people displaced, but often millions are murdered, and certainly NEVER less than many tens of thousands.
Given these two alternatives, it seems obvious that Pinochet should be considered a heroic figure. But that does not suit the narrative of the people that run this planet.
Just like it does not suit their narrative for you to know a few choice bits of information, such as:
Because once you find out all of the above and connect them, you will realise at minimum two things:
1. This planet is run and operates on basically lies, at almost all levels of functionality. The entire thing is so absurdly run on false premises that are built on nothing but lies to an extent that most human beings simply are not mentally equipped to handle without feeling absolutely overwhelmed by despair.
2. The actual real history of Catholicism and its real actual dogmatic teachings is the one story about how and why this planet works as it does that not only makes sense, but fits all the available evidence we have, AND models reality so well it can be used to predict how certain things will go both in the small and individual scale as well as the large and global one, to a degree that no other theory or ideology comes even close.
I lived with realisation n. 1 above from the age of 26 to 43 without having realisation n. 2. And yet, I did not despair at all. That alone makes me rather uncommon. Then from age 43 to 47 I investigated realisation n. 2 obsessively to make sure that, absurd as it had seemed to me for my whole life, this realisation n. 2 was in fact true.
If you do this, you also become aware that Catholicism is the only philosophy and religion that has warned us about all the evil people involved in the lies and demonic shit mentioned in that partial bullet-point list above. Which tends to perk your ears up.
Then you realise it is also the only religion that upheld the required use of violence against evil which is innate and intrinsic to every even partially decent human being that ever lived.
That is, in Catholicism, the use of violence to protect yourself or others (and especially innocents) from evil is not just permitted, it is in fact considered the duty of every lay Catholic. The only other alternative is to choose martyrdom for yourself; that is, the consciously allowing yourself to be imprisoned, tortured, and/or killed in the name of justice and our Lord Jesus Christ.
Those are the only two acceptable ways to deal with evil for a Catholic.
At which point you realise why the same people that perpetrate all the evil on this Earth spent literally centuries to infiltrate and subvert Catholicism, culminating in the creation of the fake “Catholic Church” that has had only fake “Popes” promoting its destruction since 28th October 1958.
Catholics, Catholicism and the Catholic Church have and has been the ONLY effective force on Earth that has ever managed to resist the evil that occurs on this planet and for a time at least reduce it enough to create the best living conditions humanity has ever had in its entire history.
And the means of victory remain fully at our disposal, despite the massive blow that Vatican II was.
There remain more real Catholics today on Earth (Sedevacantists) than were ever present in Rome and our planet during the persecutions of Emperor Nero. And we have far better communication lines open and far more valid priests and Bishops than used to be around back then. As well as fully functional Church services.
Most important of all, because our battle is NOT primarily fought in the physical plane, our numbers are NOT a deciding factor in the fight. Rather our convictions, prayer and internal emotional and spiritual state is far more relevant.
Of course this does not invalidate the physical, which remains an undeniable, real, and important part of life (and as long as we inhabit the material world will remain so), but it does invert the order of importance:
The spiritual/mental/faith based part of the fight is in my estimation at least 80% of the fight, with the physical being 20% at most. And most of that 20% is in things like simply putting in the physical effort to do what is required, be it showing up at work, doing what needs doing, learning what needs learning and taking effective, regular, constant action towards the goals that will result in the maximum human freedom and good, which ultimately comes down to:
1. Creating communities of people that understand all of the above, and decide to band together to:
A) become self-sufficient in all things, from clean water and food to medical, energy and defence.
B) take over local government and instilling actual Catholicism at all levels
2. Defending 1. above against all enemies by all means available
3. If and when it becomes necessary to do so, use force to defend yourself and your community from evil doers who would use force on you and yours.
If you do a really good job of 1 and 2 by non-violent means, 3 may never be required, but in any case, it is best to have the capacity for 3, because on this Earth, the only real rights you have, are the ones you have sufficient force to be able to protect.
If you have read and digested all of this post correctly, you may now have come to an overall conclusion, which is that there are three types of men, rather than only two:
1. Those who do not have a line and hold it.
2. Those who do and have no ethical basis that is based in justice and goodness.
3. Those who do and do.
And if you have been paying attention, the first on that list are not men who count, at least not in my eyes and I think, not so much in the eyes of God either.
So what you have left are men who are Catholic, and men who are not. So… just two types of men.
Not all Catholics are always good and not all non-Catholics are bad, but broadly speaking one type will create societies that are wholesome, honest, safe and good, and the other type will inevitably, eventually, descend into degeneracy.
You might not see it now. I certainly didn’t see it for decades even after I figured out the first half of it, which for most people is actually the hardest one to see, so I understand if you think I am just yet another confused zealot screaming “Jeeeeaaasssuss is da waaaay!” Like some Bible-thumping retard, of which, unfortunately, this planet if absolutely filled. Such creatures are a mixture of frauds, con-men, cowards, heretics, intentional deceivers, liars, Satanists and a large number of powerfully ignorant and lazy masses too brainwashed, stunned, stupefied and inflamed with bad health to be able to reason their way out of a parking lot.
I, dear reader, am none of those things, and yet I was deceived and as a result remained ignorant of the truth for at least nearly 2 decades more than necessary. But I had not the benefit of anyone doing what I am doing here now, which is to lay out in plain and straightforward fashion, all the pieces of the puzzle before you. Your only task at this point is to decide if you will at minimum take the time to see if these pieces I present to you are valid or not. I certainly am not asking you to “just believe me”. Quite the contrary. I have always advocated (even when I did not know that it was a dogmatic Catholic principle) that every man must absolutely know and make up his mind for himself.
But even that requires you at least investigate the concepts and bullet points I laid out before you, and while yes, some of those points can potentially take months of study to figure out, I assure you it is but a small fraction of the time it takes you to figure them all out without anyone pointing them out as the essential pieces of the puzzle that they are.
So, all that is left for you to do now is decide how lazy or not you are, and hence decide if to look into the pieces or not.
That is, assuming you’re not already brainwashed enough to not even consider doing so because you have already been predisposed to assume some part, or most of what I say is itself a lie, and if that is the case, I can easily guess which part you have been “inoculated” against: Catholicism.
At any rate, it is what it is, and you will do as you will. My task here —insofar as any can be construed in the form of a blog post— is done.
Godspeed and good fortune to you.
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By G | 30 December 2024 | Posted in Catholicism, Clown World, Heretics, Impostors and Frauds, Sedevacantism, Social Commentary, The Enemy Within, The Jews, Zombie Apocalypse