Posts Tagged ‘film’

The Free State of Jones

I don’t often give film reviews but this one was particularly interesting and funnily enough, very relevant to today’s situation. The film is a generic adaptation of the reality (as far as they can be pieced together) of the life of one Newton Knight. In reality, his life is even more convoluted and difficult than what is portrayed in the film and much like Wyatt Earp, he was both more courageous as well as a worse human being than is shown in the film. Reality, as many people are now finding out, is always more interesting and vary-coloured than fiction.

This film has many levels of interesting and I wanted to blog on it precisely to cover the various aspects of it. And yes, the “egalité” and “liberté” at the bottom of that poster is French “enlightenment” nonsense, for neither exists in the world, but sometimes, a modicum of Justice can be achieved.

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