Why Nothing Works Anymore

Vox’s recent post on an issue that has been steadily getting worse for decades has prompted me to answer the why it happens (and thus, perhaps find a solution too).

The issue is absolutely not new and in fact was noted in various graphic novels years ago.

One in which the issue was noted specifically was Martha Washington goes to War.

The graphic novel os set into a dystopic semi-SF scenario in the not too distant future. In various scenes, in the background, various people that are supposed to be professionals at their job can’t even complete basic tasks, and everyone (including the incompetents) complains about how you just can’t get decent staff anymore.

The watchmen was more subtle but it had a similar undercurrent of the mediocrity affliction and general popular idiocy. The dark knight returns has also a fairly obvious premise of social degradation and incompetence.

Why am I pointing out these graphic novels? Because it is quite clear I am not the only one that has noted this continual enstupidation and inefficiency and incompetence of the masses. It is no coincidence that despite very different themes, the two graphic novels which most identify this issue were written by Frank Miller, and the other one which is more subtle is by Alan Moore.

As for my own fiction work from more than a decade ago, I specifically explained how it was a designed effect intentional for the mass retardation of the average human. And in my version, the reasons are probably quite a bit closer to the truth.

So, we agree that it has been happening for a long time, but why?

It is a combination of factors, as to the how, which are easily listed immediately below, but it is the why that is relevant.

  • Reduced attention spans thanks to technological “advancements” of:
    • mobile phones
    • Video on demand
    • Video games of infantile complexity
    • Audio in preference of reading
  • The intentional degradation of all public school education
  • The intentional squeezing economically of all class but especially the middle class, reducing the mass to poor and poorly educated people.
  • The intentional degradation of food quality
  • The intentional degradation of health via:
    • Chemtrails
    • Bad medicines
    • Fake vaccines
    • Pharma business of death and disease
  • The intentional anti-reality narratives of:
    • Equality (of sexes, outcomes, race, religion, ethnicity, IQ, etc)
    • Diversity by force being good
    • Transexuals pretending to be the opposite sex
    • Altering language (eg using the word gender instead of sex)
    • Homosexual lifestyle being just as valid as heterosexual lifestyles
    • Homosexual adoption being equal to natural families
    • Divorce being acceptable and almost a “right”
    • Violence never being the answer

And that’s just literally off the top of my head without a second’s pause to list more things.

But the question is why?

And the answer to that is in two parts. A plausible (if barely so) secular one, and an absolute, religion/spiritual based one that is more difficult for most to accept because everyone has been thoroughly brainwashed into thinking evil spiritual beings just don’t exist.

So, the secular answer is simple: control, yes, also greed, sexual access to children, being a class above the rest and so on, but ultimately it’s about control. Making us puppets of the elites.

The second part which explains the first one very well is that the Judaic religion, absolutely believes non Jews are essentially cattle; to be used and abused at will by the Jewish God-chosen, people. Don’t take my word for it. Read the Talmud.

While not ALL the elite are Jews, most are, and the remainders are absolutely Freemasons, which is a fancy word for Satanists with Jewish overtones. And yes, in case you are wondering, the Jews worship the “god” of this world: Satan.

Again, do not take my word for it. Research it yourself and listen to the words of various revered Rabbis.

According to Jewish belief, when their “Messiah” comes, (out Antichrist) they will get more than 2000 goyim (that’s you and me) as their personal slaves. Again, don’t believe me; look it up. You have the whole internet at your fingertips, it only takes seconds; though I admit, the rabbit hole can go on for days or even years as you desperately try to prove my words here wrong and slowly but surely you begin to realise that in fact, if anything, I am downplaying the situation.

So now you know.

4 Responses to “Why Nothing Works Anymore”

  1. replaced guy says:

    Its not an actual dumbing down. Its that people are forced to work too much and for too little pay. And meanwhile immigrants are being imported to take their jobs too. So they don’t care much anymore. “Fire me, go ahead, I’ll just get to see the Sun. You were gonna replace me with an illegal eventually anyway. Might as well be today.” Even those who aren’t smart enough to think that response are basically there. And thus nothing works.

    • G says:

      Your response demonstrates better than I could have that the dumbing down is PRECISELY what’s happened.

      Look at it.
      Blackpilled despondent apathy is, in your own estimation, the “smart” view.
      I am guessing shoes with laces are not your thing.

  2. pearce everson says:

    I don’t think this guy is “black pilled.” He’s just basically saying loyalty to a company is dead due to the company loyalty to employees being nil. People are working the bare minimum now because they know they ain’t getting a raise by working hard. You only get a raise by leaving and going somewhere else. And until they decide to do that they do the bare minimum. There’s even a term for it, “quiet quitting.” But this is in American, so maybe your anger at this obvious fact is due to it not being that way in Italy.

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