This page and its links below are dedicated to my science fiction series Overlords of Mars and hope to provide fans with a much richer overall experience when thinking about the Solar system I created.

There are plenty of links to other pages and aspects of the storyline so, you may want to take a quick scroll down first, and note some headings that interest you most, instead of reading everything from the top.


If you wish to write derivative works, write to me and ask, BEFORE you start working on it, as I might not agree.

I am not against the idea, including if you wish to do so for commercial purposes (books, films, figurines, whatever) but, aside from any commercial agreements we might come to, the quality and continuity needs to be respected and as such I will retain approval or veto power.

The series came to me pretty much “as is” in the mid 1990s and each book of the trilogy actually reflects a dream I had in each case, which was the initial spark for the series. I wrote The Face on Mars (non-fiction) in 1995 and then updated it in 2014, so at the time, I was totally immersed in the things I discovered about human history and Mars specifically, which I still remain the only guy to have figured out on the basis of pure scientific observation instead of wishful thinking. And, as is often the case, the real history of humanity is far stranger than any fiction I could have come up with. So if you are interested in the actual science, you may want to read The Face on Mars first. The Overlords of Mars trilogy is really my way of extending the reality into a fictional, yet really more realistic science fiction story than many think is the case. In fact, as time passed, not only did the Face on Mars prove to be more accurate than I first could prove, but my fiction work proved to be less fictional than I could have imagined.

In any case, this page, is for the aficionados, the nerds, the geeks, who like me wonder at the “behind the scenes” world creation efforts a writer might indulge in. So, my fellow Aspergers and Autists enhanced humans, yes enhanced, we are the next evolutionary leap, trust me, this page and the ones that are linked from it is for you. And I assure you that I still am only putting on here the core information, you would not believe the lengths I went to to figure out things like population numbers, alien philosophies, antigravity technology and so on. I hope you enjoy rooting around the strange ideas of my mind as much as I enjoyed writing about them.

The page will continue to be updated as I continue expanding the series.

So far, the Series includes the following books:

Overlords of Mars – Inception (Book 1)

Overlords of Mars – Stasis (Book 2)

Overlords of Mars – Black Sun (Book 3)

Nazi Moon – (omnibus collection of all 3 books)

A separate novella, set in the same universe but in the far future is also available:

Confederate Rising

Lastly, a Role-Playing Game is in the embryonic stages that will allow you to go flying through space while dealing with all the intrigue, duplicitous aliens, vicious Nazis, traitors, warring factions and secrecy that the series entails. The system used will be a variant of my own Q.O.R.G. System (Quick Omni Roleplaying Game System) which you can experience in a simpler (yet fun and I am told also hilarious) version here, in case you want to play out The Current Zombie Apocalypse we are all living through. And if you are new to pen and paper RPGs and want to have some guidance for your first games, you may also want to get the first pre-generated adventure for you and a few friends to play.

Military Aspects from the Series

Here are the details, most of which are in the various books, but here collated in one place.

Some Further Author Notes

Each of my books has rather extensive author notes, and the Omnibus collated them from all three individual books, nevertheless, here are a few odds and ends that didn’t make it into the books:

From Book III – The screencaptures that were too degraded for print, but can be seen online, are below.

  • This is the best quality image I could get from the online archived copy of the 1938 Encyclopaedia Britannica.
  • This is a screenshot of the World Almanac from 1933
  • and this from the World Almanac of 1948
  • Author’s Notes to Book III written in 2013 showing my initial view of the Nazis in general, with changes of perspective due to the intervening 10 years of research. See also the section further below entitled: Further thoughts on the Nazis, WWII and the current WWIII
  • The internal motivations of my characters are important to me and as such sometimes these “people” derail my entire story. I try to reign them in, but if you ever acted as a referee (or Dungeon Master) in various pen and paper role-playing games, you know that a decent group of players will either run circles around any prescribed module (story line) and you’d best be quick on your wits to try and direct them, loosely, back towards the main goals.
  • Sometimes the physical limitations of book sizes Amazon will let me produce are both a blessing and a curse. A blessing because they force me to finish the story line within certain parameters, otherwise, the ten year gap between book 2 and 3 might have gone on for another 10 years (by which time, reading will probably be a quasi-lost art), and a curse because… well, you have no idea how much more character development, side plot lines and rabbit holes I could explore if I had infinite time and space.

Easter Eggs

For those who know, there are a bunch of inside jokes.

  • Some of the characters (though not all) are named after real friends of mine (with their knowledge and permission). Confederate Rising is pretty much an Easter egg entirely, as it was originally written as what I thought would be a funny 5,000 words or so essay that I would share privately to tease some friends, both online and in real life. And of course, by the time I did a few thousand words I got into it and then realised it wasn’t half bad and so it became a novella. And as it turns out, the main bad guy in it (who had also given me written permission to use his name in that fashion) actually turned out to be an actual real-life complete fraudster that had defrauded a bunch of people of serious sums of money too. He had even approached me to fund some of his vapourware, which I bluntly told him where to go with it, and this was all a long time before this bit of information about him came out, so, once again, my novella was predictive in a way.
  • The main character is obviously perhaps one of the biggest “Mary Sue” creations of any author. It was, however, not megalomania or flat out narcissism that drove that process, but rather, the need to write something that was as realistic as possible within the context of a reality that would seem absolutely fantastical to almost everyone who would read the books. I know I succeeded in some respect because one of my very good friends, which I did my first black belt grading with in South Africa, read the first book and told me: “as I was reading it, I was thinking Unrealistic! Unrealistic! character can do and know too much! But then, I knew who wrote it, and I know that criticism is just not valid.” Undoubtedly, some readers will still think I am a narcissist megalomaniac trying to make myself look “cool”, but that’s ok. I am used to most people having no real clue about how I really am, and those that I care about either know, or have made their peace with their ideas about me, which is really all that matters.
  • Some of the Easter Eggs are unique to me and for my own amusement. For example, one of the systems named at the end of book 3 is based on a neat little computer game I played with my brother and a friend on the ZX Spectrum 48 when we were teenagers. Those who know, know.

Further Books

The most asked question so far is: “Will there be a book four?”

And the short answer is… obviously yes. And also another book that starts a whole new branch of this series, if I ever get round to it, which will be, pretty much an ode to Edgar Rice Burroughs.

And if I didn’t have a wife, and five children to feed and a small farm that I can’t afford to get a tractor to help me put it in order yet, I would be writing it right now and churning out exciting stuff on an almost monthly basis. So… if you want to help make that happen, please buy my books by the pallet-load and share them and gift them to all your friends and harass any mortar and brick bookshops to get them for their whole monopolised chains. If I could live off my writing, which something like only 0.01% of writers can do, assuming they don’t want to eat cardboard, noodles and rainwater, I would be writing every day. I may not be Tesla, who kept the mechanisms of an alternating current motor in his head for three years wile he worked as a labourer, but I assure you, I have years worth of stories (and not just about Mars, nor even only fictional) in my head, and I would love to get them out before the forces of evil eventually fry my brain, or I get taken out by a horde of ululating World Economic Forum shock troops.

Further Thoughts on the Nazis, Jews, WWII and the Current WWIII

I will add to this section, as and when time and the mood permits.

Perhaps one of the better ways to address this is in the form of a Q&A using the most asked questions I get on the topic:

Q: Are you a Nazi sympathiser or romaticiser?

A: No. I have studiously avoided military service (which was mandatory in Italy at the time) and would do so now even more so, because I truly believe war is run by people who are never in the trenches, to satisfy their personal aims and goals to the detriment of everyone else. So, as a general rule, the very concept of war is anathema to me, regardless of the politics. That said, I also realise that in WWII and even more so in WWI, Europe actually still had a semblance of mostly functional national entities knows as countries. Italy was really almost completely filled with Italians, Germany with Germans and so on. And the prevailing ethics of Europe at the time were mostly based on the ones installed by Catholic dogma and belief, and even the Protestant nations still had large Catholic parts and in any case, practically were still largely subjected to the same ethic. By and large, then, the European was a person that operates on a relatively high-trust basis. The banking practices of families like the Rothschilds and all their ilk, are, by their very nature predatory. It would take several books (some of which I mention in the bibliographical notes of my books) to explain this in some detail, but suffice it to say that I can understand why a nation that s still largely homogenous, would want to reject any practices that originate from an ethnicity that is not their own and which demonstrably confers no advantage to them and several very obvious disadvantages to them. Furthermore, regardless of your agreement or otherwise with the historical facts, initially, Hitler wanted to deport Jews to Madagascar, not exterminate them. So, I can understand the dynamics that were probably present to make the Jews in Germany a class of people that was not favourably looked upon by the average German. While this can be roused into a frenzy, certainly, the fact is that the accusations against them were not completely baseless. I don’t think this makes me a Nazi sympathiser nor a hater of Jews. I am merely expressing my opinion of what I believe was the case based on as many facts as I have been able to verify as I can, which is in itself, not an easy task.

Q: What is your answer to the Jewish Question? (I use this phraseology because it is the question that literally NONE of the gatekeepers on this planet will answer or address honestly. For clarity, it does not refer to whether one wants to gas the Jews en masse or murder them somehow, it refers to the idea that Jewish practices tend to be detrimental to the host nation and eventually degrade it and reach a point where pogroms, etc begin to happen).

A: I think the simple and obvious solution, especially given the Jewish belief that Jews are supposed to essentially be a nation of our betters leading us to the truth, is for Jews everywhere to make their return to Israel. I also think the creation of Israel itself was indeed unfair on the Palestinians and I certainly agree that what is going on now, at the end of 2023, is essentially genocidal in nature towards the Palestinians. That said, Israel is now there, and as many countries, it may have been created by subterfuge, usurpation, murder, or what have you, but it exists and isn’t likely to disappear soon (supposing a mass Arab assault from all sides is not on the cards). So the ideal solution is for them to build massive walls between them and the current borders of Palestine, remove any Jews that is in the Palestine side to the Jewish side, and let the Palestinians get on with their lives with ZERO interference or border crossing from one side to the other. Let the Palestinians have their land and let the Jews have theirs. So that would be my ideal solution number one. With respect to Jews living outside of Israel that do not want to return to Israel, then, I could only speak for my own nation and what would be best for that nation in my opinion. For example, the Talmudic idea that sex with children is fine within certain parameters id absolutely unacceptable to me and as such I would ban the entire religion from my nation, but perhaps in an Islamic country that would be acceptable. As a further clarification, I consider my nation to be not Italy, but rather the usurped Nation of The Most Serene Republic of Venice. So you see, it is complicated by that too. As well as the fact that I am one of the last actual Catholics on the planet (only Sedevacantists are actually Catholic as Catholicism was in say 1095), so those things too would count towards how I would ideally have MY nation operate if it suddenly rose again from the sea and I was made Doge.

Q: What do you think of Anne Frank’s Diary?

A: I have not delved down this particular rabbit hole to any extreme length, mostly because I am generally satisfied it is almost certainly a forgery, as explained in the book Unmasking Anne Frank by Ikuo Suzuki, which you can read a little about here, but which is, unsurprisingly, unavailable on Amazon.

Q: Did six million Jews die in the Holocaust in Concentration Camps?

A: I am going to go with the official answer of even serious Jewish historians in Israel on that: No. Did many Jews die in concentration camps? Yes. I believe so. As did many other people that were not Jewish.

Q: Are you a Holocaust denier?

A: No. I am just a guy that would like to know the facts about anything that is presented to us as being a certain way. Almost nothing in life is as first presented. From the theory of Atoms you are told in primary school, to whether a human Zygote becomes a human being or not and is therefore worthy of life. Whatever it is, when you look at it carefully, the reality is usually quite different from whatever the mass media tells you is the story.

Q: What do you think of Hitler?

A: That’s a very difficult question to answer, because mostly I do not think about him one particular way or another. The amount of propaganda from every possible direction about the man is overwhelming and makes it extremely difficult to come to a solid conclusion of any kind. In general terms I don’t think he was neurotypical normal, and some of those traits were absolutely negative. I think that whatever overall brush one paints him with is going to be wrong. Was he the most evil man that ever lived? I don’t think so. I can think of several that I think were intrinsically more evil. Was he a good guy just trying to do right by his people? No. Firstly because he was Austrian, not German, and secondly because any politician is in some ways never a good guy. I don’t think you can be a politician and be a good guy. Maybe there are a few odd exceptions, but mostly politicians are all dirtier than most. If it were possible to have just actual verifiable facts about Hitler before me, then, perhaps, I could form an opinion, but it is terribly difficult to know anything concerning Hitler with any level of certainty. Did he even write Mein Kampf himself? Wha about the paintings he did? Does a certain level of proficiency at that not indicate something about the man? I dabble in watercolours myself and I’d like to think that I could not condone the mass murder of people, including women and children, by gas chamber or any other means for that matter, but perhaps that’s peculiar to me? Maybe watercolour painters are more likely homicidal maniacs? I just don’t know. But I think his paintings are not terrible.

Did he really paint them himself? I certainly wasn’t there to see it with my own eyes. As I said, the myths and legends and propaganda around Hitler makes it pretty impossible to say what is real and what is fiction.

One thing that is also difficult to access are his speeches with a full translation in a language I speak or read. The snippets of it I have seen of those, however, make his showmanship on stage certainly look a lot less insane than it does if all you can hear are shouty German words.

Q: What do you think of Antisemitic Laws and Laws that impose punishment on people who question the Holocaust?

A: I think they are fundamentally wrong and only cast a very suspicious shadow on the entire thing. Literally no other genocide I am aware of has such laws imposed on it. Including exterminations of people that really were far more extreme than what Jews underwent in WWII.

Q: What do you think of Jews in general?

A: Firstly, there are always exceptions and people who do not understand this are basically innumerate. Secondly, most people are, unfortunately, idiots. And this is across all ethnicities and religions. I subscribe VERY MUCH to Professor Cipolla’s five laws of human stupidity, especially the first law, so, in consideration of those two facts and the question immediately above this one, and the FACT that criticising anything Jewish has repercussions that are unlike those of criticising any other people on the planet, I will limit myself to saying that if the Jewish people did get kicked out of 110 countries over more than two millennia, and had pogroms or persecutions against them more than a 1000 times in that same space of time, it stands to reason, that some of their practices must be unpleasant to pretty much everyone that is not Jewish. So, regardless of whether you agree or not with whatever those practices are or are not, it seems logical to me that Jews should strive to live in their own homeland and pretty much nowhere else. And perhaps they don’t like that so much, because as an Orthodox Jewish friend of mine told me long ago, “Do you know what’s the easiest way to have a million dollars in Israel?” The answer he provided: “Go there with three million.”

Q: What do you think of Antisemitism?

A: The same thing I think about racism, homophobia, misogyny, androgyny, transphobia, white privilege, Black Lives Matter, Marxism, feminism and a BUNCH of other isms and ideologies. It’s all bullshit and I am not responsible for your fragile little ego, just like you are not responsible for mine. In fact, I have more respect for a Muslim extremist that tells me to my face that he hates us infidels and he plans to kill or convert us as soon as he can, than a mealie-mouthed idiot trying to police my speech. Like the inimitable Credo Mutwa said on South African television in the 1990s, “I am a kaffir, whites are lainies, honkies, crackers, coloured (mixed race) people are gophels, and let’s not forget the slant-eyed yellow devils, the Chinese!” That, was definitely my nigger. And if he were alive now he would laugh and tell me I am his white trash, dago, olive-nigger brother. And we’d share a drink. If you are so stupid, sensitive, weak, and whiny to cry you are being PTSD traumatised by WORDS, or if you equate WORDS to violence, logically, you are then saying that a physical, violent response to words is perfectly acceptable. And in fact, the unwashed, blue-haired, unfuckable, hippies that subscribe to these nonsense ideologies, DO say that, as long as the words they want to apply that to are the ones they say. Well, it doesn’t work like that. I am good with either world. Either words are literally violence and people can get shot for them when they offend someone, or they are not and you can say what you want without physical consequences. The reality is that both such worlds are insane and unrealistic, but between the two extremes I’ll take the first one thanks, because I have good reflexes; and also, some words, SHOULD have consequences. Because free speech absolutism is a complete fiction worse than believing in unicorns, always has been and always will be. And only a people completely brainwashed by Freemasonic propaganda from the very start, i.e. Americans, could ever even entertain the concept as being rooted in anything even remotely anchored to reality.

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